A 21st Century Nazism?
Populism, in its most theoretical term, defined as the movement that defends the interests of the masses and maximizes the influence of the ordinary citizens. However, in the contemporary era, populism is mostly associated with extreme far-right politics: which opposes globalization, multiculturism and free trade.
Demagogues instigate populist movements among masses by manipulating the facts and figures. They associate all the negative economic and social trend with the economic liberalization and immigrants.
The Rise of Populism around the Globe
In retrospect, Hitler's german nationalist and antisemitic ideology dragged the world to the second war.
Hardly any incident has had that far-reaching impact on the globe as the world war two has manifested. Humanity suffered the worst; Great cities were reduced to the piles of ashes and rubbles, League of Nation was in shambles, high-rise buildings were clouds of smoke floating over Europe and great empires buried under the debris of history.
When the world was in chaos and mayhem, there was only one country which witnessed an economic boom. Yes, it was the USA whose economy was all-time high during the doomsdays due to the sale of weapons to the European countries.
Soon after the end of the world war 2, the USA and The Soviet Union opened a new chapter of the Cold War. An Iron curtain had been lowered in Europe, and both of them began clutching the allies. Those who sell weapons, Peace would be a bad option for them; thus an arms race kickstarted. US came up with massive appealing policies that led to the set-up of multiple institutions ranging from UNO to the World Bank. Thus, promoted a soft posture of it's behind the scene evil policies.
The world then was mainly in need of such institutions that could bring more stakeholders to the table. Consequently, Liberal order emerged, and it shaped the 20th century. The US and Western Europe were architects of this order, analysts like Francis Fukuyama began to term it as 'End of History' making it the most desired order the world ever had witnessed. Western ideas, cultures, language and governance became so much popular that westernization and Modernization became almost the synonyms.
US and UK long uphold the notions of liberal democracies, even they are considered the pioneers and founders of the order. However, the year 2016 left the new mark on the world when the UK decided to pull herself off the European Union. Subsequently, the same slogans of scraping the Unions were heard from other corners of EU. Donald Trump's victory shocked the whole world. Demagogues around the globe grew popular during the last few years. From the US to Australia, the dangerous rise of populism and its effects on the present order can be well observed.
In the developed Western countries cleavages have opened up between the established globalized liberal order and the right-leaning parties who are using working-class' demands to further their motives?
Europe is witnessing the massive political transformation of the century. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel's choice in 2015 to open the doors to displaced people from Syria triggered a crisis in the European Union. The AFD cashed her vulnerable position, the populist party of Germany, it grew stronger and opposed the refugee influx in Europe.
Since the Great Recession, conservative populist developments have amazingly grown in Europe.
The Marine Le Pen's National Front in France is famous for her support to the economic nationalism and opposes globalization for the negative economic trends.
Apart from this, she is also the opponent of the multiculturalism and argues for the de-Islamization of France.
On the other hand, the Northern League in Italy, the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands and the UK Independence Party, all these are considered to be eurosceptic and right-wing populist parties.
They started to develop in ubiquity in massive part due to expanding resistance to migration from the Middle East and Africa, rising Euroscepticism and discontent with the financial strategies of the European Union.
Pundits have summarized U.S President Donald Trump's 2016 political views as a right-wing populist and nationalist. Geert Wilders from The Netherlands also demanded the ban on Muslims. On the other hand, Modi is notable for his contempt against Muslims, and he is responsible for the slaughtering of thousands of Muslims in the Indian state of Gujrat. Till now, Muslims are being oppressed just because of their Islamic Identity.
If we burst the bubble of populism, then there are two leading causes behind the rising right-leaning nationalism.
One of the most resonating slogans of Trump's election campaigns was to give Americans back their job because his supporters believe they are losing their jobs to immigrants. Still, the rhetoric seems to be just another election-winning gimmick because a report indicates that around 800 a million jobs in 2030 will be taken up by the automation. In the US alone, between 39 and 73 million jobs stand to be automated — making up around a third of the total workforce. So, the problem is with the automation, not with the immigrants.
According to the sources, Islamophobia is Thriving in the western world. This is another reason behind the hatred of natives towards immigrants. Violence against Muslims are encouraged, and it is not considered offensive.
At the point when President Donald Trump marked his since-modified executive order banning individuals from seven Muslim-dominant countries from entering the United States, he guaranteed it was to shield Americans from "radical Islamic terrorists'.
However, reports suggest something else that since he is in office, more Americans have been killed by White extremist than any Muslim or even foreigner. Hence, White Americans are more dangerous than foreign Muslims.
Consequently, the rise of ethnic-nationalist parties can be perilous for the world at large. It would take us back to the time of Nazism and Fascism, the hawkish right-wing nationalist forces which resulted in the world war. Wars are costlier and savagely deadly today because we are living in such time where military spending exceeds the budgets of Health and educations sectors. Therefore, International Institutions must come out with such policies that should be above the interests of few and they must benefit humanity at large.